Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Loving is the feelin now...

So today is a day for a certain someone named Micheal Jackson. Especially if you are near the Staples Center, try using GeoBuzz to share your memories with the MJ fans in your area...

And don't forget the music

Monday, July 6, 2009

Somebody's got a case of the Monday's...

So last week we had the server problem (again, we are sorry about that). But you kids have bounced back nicely, some areas are pulling ahead from out of nowhere in the race for the most buzzes! Some of you have unfortunately gotten caught in some of the "gap areas," which means you probably aren't seeing much action because other people's posts have been lost. But that means you should tell your friends and have them tell their friends and then some more friends and eventually we will all be friends... Maybe?

Anyway, some of us are lucky and there are lots of people around us so we can feel pretty cool. You know what else is cool? Iceland...

Sigur Ros - ViĆ° spilum endalaust - A Take Away Show from La Blogotheque on Vimeo.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Houston, we have a problem...

So when we set up this blog, we said that we would share some of the highs and lows. Today, we have had a bit of a low.

Unfortunately, due to some black magic and a few spells cast by an extremely ugly and horrible witch we have had some server problems. So far, this means that the buzzes have been erased. But that's good! Right? I always liked being able to redefine myself and here is the opportunity to do it on GeoBuzz! Woop!

Ok, sarcasm aside, we are really sorry about this problem. Luckily, this means our secret launch is working. We meant to use this to check for weak spots, which we found! So really, this is like we just won the treasure hunt...

Thursday, June 25, 2009

The Buzz

Since the mini (semi secret) launch of GeoBuzz a few weeks ago, things have gone relatively smoothly. Despite a few technical hiccups and glitches (which were subsequently resolved), the number of early adopters signed up for GeoBuzz continues to increase. We would like to continue to get the word out about GeoBuzz and continue to get more people on board.

There was a very detailed write up about GeoBuzz posted today by Nathan Lustig that you can check out at http://www.nathanlustig.com/. This write up describes the ideas behind GeoBuzz and the potential of the platform itself.

I'm excited, you should be excited, and I'm sure the GeoBuzz servers are excited too. Post buzzes and find cool ways to connect with others around you. Don't get discouraged if there are few posts in your area- some one has to start things out and it might as well be you! Check out the activity over the last week in Madison, WI:

Get your city full of "push-pins" and it could be featured on our blog!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


So I posted this yesterday and then it was brought to my attention that I put the wrong link up. Fortunately it is still hot here so it's still relevant:

I don't know where you are, but here in Madison it is hot. Real hot, a lot like in this movie...

(Couldn't find the exact scene, so we'll just throw the trailer at you. Great movie, by the way, so get it if you haven't seen it.)

And remember, always do the right thing.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Keep on moving...

So we are moving our way into smart phones across the country. We have a pretty good user base now and we have been getting some valuable feedback, but there still seems to be a problem...

So people have mentioned the fact that they do not see many buzzes in their area. This is where you have to pull some of your weight buzzers, tell your friends! The best way to get more people on GeoBuzz is to spread the word. We are all nice people, I like to think that we have fun. So why would you not want others to have fun with us?

Also, we are trying to get some bloggers on board in reviewing GeoBuzz (they can be quite opinionated after all). So if you know any people that have written about GeoBuzz or might be interest in doing so, let us know! The Interweb is big and we can't find them all...

Now back to work.

Monday, June 15, 2009

On your toes maggots!

Alright, so the first week has been pretty cool! We appreciate all of you getting on and buzzing.
We are going to be making some more changes, that is the fun of this for all of you! You get the behind the scenes view and can see all that we are doing, as we do it. It is a bit like a reality T.V. show...

Anyway, stay alert and on your toes because we are going to be making some more adjustments (some bigger than others). Hopefully it will at least be funny to watch, could be a disaster but everyone loves the reunion shows...

Thursday, June 11, 2009

The Battle-part 1

So we have had the app available for a few days now and just wanted to let you know that some parts of the country are doing better than others. Since I watch a lot of TV I understand the importance of setting up East Coast vs West Coast battles, like 2Pac vs. Biggie or NBA West vs. East. It is simply in our blood.

Now just so that everyone has equal information, the West coast is currently winning, after the Freshcoast (the Midwest), but I think that we are a bit biased. And this isn't just East vs West, the South is definitely holding its own too.

I guess we'll see who comes out on top, stay tuned for results...


So we've changed and updated some things to allow GeoBuzz to better serve you.

The website has been updated and a bunch more content has been added. This explains GeoBuzz in depth and will hopefully answer some questions you may have.

The number of channels on the app itself has been reduced. This was a tough decision, but we think it will help facilitate building the community better. We'll add additional channels at a later date.

The Feedback Channel has been made global. All posts in this channel are visible across the US. This allows for the GeoBuzz developers to better communicate with you. Post questions and any feedback you have in this channel.

GeoBuzz is being built up with your help. Keep buzzing, and get your friends on board.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Sometimes first is the worst...

But not this time!
So we just wanted to give a shout out to jzakhar, down in southern California, for being the first to post a "first" buzz in a channel during the secret launch, whoo whoo!
To everyone else out there in BuzzLand: thanks for joining in, tell your friends and keep buzzing! Official launch will be later this summer, fun things to come...

Monday, June 8, 2009

What's in a name? That which we call a rose, By any other name would smell as sweet.

So you might be wondering why we call it "GeoBuzz." Well to be perfectly honest, the Buzz part is mostly because it adds a nice ring and it can be used in a verb sense. We wanted to emphasize the location aspects of the application and the whole being-outside idea with Geo. Plus we are really excited about the community aspect of GeoBuzz, essentially we want to create these little worlds all over. As tacky as it may sound, we do want to bring people together and someday maybe everyone will join in a GeoBuzz-started rendition of "It's a small world..."

But I tend to be unrealistic about some things.

They're here...

The GeoBuzz iPhone client now has a new friend- GeoBuzz has just been released to the Android Marketplace.

If you have an Android based phone (aka the T-Mobile G1), download GeoBuzz from the Marketplace. Don't have an Android phone or iPhone? Never fear, the GeoBuzz Windows Mobile client will be released soon. Otherwise, I know you have friends who have an iPhone or Android phone. Tell them about GeoBuzz.

This is an "unofficial" GeoBuzz launch. We're building up a community of early adopters and want you to be apart of it. We'll be doing our official big promotional launch later this summer. As an early adopter, you'll play a key part of building a brand new product and community.

Buzz early, buzz often fellow GeoBuzzers.

Hello, GeoBuzz...

Hi, how are ya? Good, I hope.

We just wanted to say hello and thank you for checking out GeoBuzz, the app for the iPhone is now in the App Store and it will be on the Android Marketplace soon so you should check it out. This is the first phase of the GeoBuzz release so you can be one of our early adopters and help us make this into something fun.

Check out the homepage for a little description (I hate repeating myself) or just download the app and play around for yourself. And let us know what you think, either by buzzing on the Feedback Channel or emailing us at hello-geobuzz@perblue.com

That's all for now, stay cool...